Yes. In another city, yet at the same time, there was another houseparty. Like there were thousands of house parties everywhere. But the special thing of this particular one was that it was thrown by someone who is called Rosie Rainbow. I wish I had a name like that.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
There should be more nights like this
A regular houseparty, nothing special or fancy. The music was great, the people were great, ..a birthday party. Yes i really enjoyed myself. There should be more nights like this. Nights with kittens under the bed and ducks in the kitchen and drunk people smashing guitars.

Yes. In another city, yet at the same time, there was another houseparty. Like there were thousands of house parties everywhere. But the special thing of this particular one was that it was thrown by someone who is called Rosie Rainbow. I wish I had a name like that.
Yes. In another city, yet at the same time, there was another houseparty. Like there were thousands of house parties everywhere. But the special thing of this particular one was that it was thrown by someone who is called Rosie Rainbow. I wish I had a name like that.
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