Last weekend was the best weekend since a long time. I went to Berlin to visit my sister, I hadn't seen her for two months which is very very long.

My sister Clara

Me feeling like le petit prince at the east side gallery
Berlin is a place where everything is possible. There are so many artists, exhibitions, parties, and above all cafes. We went drinking wine, beer, spätzi's, caffees, apfelschorles in one thousand diffrent places. all so lovely and cosy and rock n roll and wauww (+ we 'met' Daniel Bruhl)

We went to the market at Mauerpark where everybody is selling their hand-made clothes or second hand things and we went to a second hand store of 5 floors! I bought the most horror-ish shoes I have ever seen. They even have skulls on them! I have to compensate my blonde hair somehow..

they look a little like the ones on the right, the second from above.
I really enjoyed walking the whole Karl Marx allee in bad shoes. I really did because we found an old DDR cinema:

I would like to live there one day. Altough this city is much bigger than feels more easy. More easy than any city I have been to, and I have seen a lot of the world! Life is cheap in Berlin, rents are cheap and going out as well. Musicians and artists do not have to get a shitty job to be able to make their art. And if they do, there are plenty of places to get a nice shitty job. I also got the feeling people are less stuck up. There are loads of fashionable people but without the attitude which is disturbing me here so often lately.
Yes I feel better! This is exactly what I needed to finish my studies and continue my search for new musicians. So many people have responded to my call and I am making music with a lot of them. I really am enjoying meeting all those interesting new people although I find it hard to really trust people again. But it will come back I am sure.
For now I am going to read the Millenium trilogy, people who think its an ordinary detective may speak up! And show me a better replacement for the ending of Monk..
The favourite detective serie of me and willem ended last week.
